Monday, April 30, 2018

Ogg Photo Shoot Sneak Peek

Came home from work with nowhere to go tonight! Hardly knew what to do with myself! Haha!  But there seems to always be photo editing to do, so I definitely worked on that, did some grocery shopping, and enjoyed spending the evening with Nick!

Wanted to share a sneak peek from a photo shoot I've been editing!  I had the privilege of meeting this young man and his mom at Montgomery Bell State Park for some pictures, and I enjoyed getting to know them a little while I took their photos!  I'll be posting more from this photo shoot soon! ☺️

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Sarah's Photo Shoot Sneak Peek

This past week has been super busy, but good! To say we are exhausted would be an understatement! 😄  But we have gotten to serve and be a part of our church's mission conference, visit with friends we haven't seen in awhile, visit with family (both from out of town and here in the area), and even do a photo shoot for my sister this evening that we've been trying to work in for the past month or so, due to busy schedules!

I was pleasantly surprised with how pleased she was with the pictures we got!  My sisters have always been super supportive of my photography work, but it really made my day when she commented that she could tell there was improvement from the last time I took her pictures! Yay!

So here's one of my favorites from this evening!  She looks so pretty in this one, and red has always been a good color for her!  Special recognition goes to my dear husband and assistant, whom I brought along to make her laugh!😁

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Stewart Photo Shoot

Had such a fun time taking these pictures of Nick's sweet cousin!  She was more than willing for me to take as many pictures as I wanted, so we took pictures until the light was gone. 😄

Friday, April 20, 2018

Sunday Church Special

Just a little music from three of my sisters at church this past Sunday. 🙂

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Celebrating Nick

Today, we celebrated this guy, and all the joy (and craziness) he brings to our lives!  Actually, we will get to celebrate him a couple different times this month.  Happy Birthday, Nick!

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

When Your Aunt is a Photographer

Life is rough when your aunt is a photographer and your mama agrees to let your pictures be taken! Haha!  Poor baby!  But isn't he precious?

Monday, April 9, 2018

My Grandparents

Nick and I had the opportunity to make a quick trip to FL this past weekend to visit family.  I just wanted to share a picture of my Granny and Papa!  We've always lived several hours apart, unfortunately.  Growing up, I could never leave from a visit with them or never let them leave our house without getting a picture with them!  I don't do it much anymore, but I had Nick snap a cell phone picture of us before we headed back home.  Sure do love them!! 💜

Saturday, April 7, 2018

Amber Waves of Grain

I LOVE it when I find a field of hay or wheat (anything light colored, really!)  Had to stop today for a quick photo shoot in this beautiful field!

Friday, April 6, 2018

Sweet Little Cousins

Just a couple pictures of my sweet little cousins (actually second cousins.)  Aren't they precious?? 💜

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Hawkins 50th Anniversary Photo Shoot

We had the privilege of meeting this sweet couple and taking some pictures out at their beautiful place for their 50th wedding anniversary!  Nick and I really enjoyed the time we got to spend with them and their family!

Monday, April 2, 2018

Thankful For This Guy!

Just wanted to say that I'm thankful for this guy!  We've been married for two and a half years, and I can't say it's always been easy, but I sure am thankful that God gave him to me! He fell asleep on the couch after supper...he worked 13 hours today.  I miss him when he has to work long hours, but I sure am thankful for him!

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Happy Easter!

I hope everyone had a blessed Easter!  We celebrated Jesus' resurrection at church this morning, and then crammed 10 people into our little house this afternoon for a delicious lunch of honey ham, hot potato salad, broccoli with cheese sauce, homemade macaroni and cheese, deviled eggs, and yeast rolls, with chocolate banana cream pie and blueberry cobbler for dessert!  It was a lovely afternoon with family and friends, and after attending church again this evening, I am quite tired!  (Not to mention that I was up until 3 am trying to clean the house, and back up again at 7 am this morning!  Not really sure why I'm still up now! Haha!)

Here's a picture I took in the front yard this afternoon of my beautiful little sister and her husband (who isn't too bad looking himself! 😄)  I'm not going to lie, I am pretty pleased with how this picture turned out, especially considering we have a lot of houses close around us, and there were cars parked everywhere on the street!  It was also 2 pm, which is usually a bad time to take pictures outside because of the bright sunlight and the harsh shadows it creates...thankfully we had some cloud cover, which helped cut down on those harsh shadows a lot!

Vick Photo Shoot

Here are some pictures of my sister and her little family before her baby girl made an appearance.  I just love the way these pictures turned out, and especially the colors in the background!  (By the end of the photo shoot, my little nephew was worn out, and had to be bribed with chocolate from Aunt Beka! 😁)

New Blog on Website

I am SO excited to announce that my very first photography website is up and running!  From now on, I will be posting on the blog on the web...