Thursday, May 31, 2018

White Family Photo Shoot

Here's another photo session taken at Montgomery Bell State Park!  I really enjoyed meeting this family and getting to know them a little! 😀

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Rodriguez Photo Shoot

Well, I've gotten a little behind on posting pictures here lately!  Life has been busy with work, photo sessions, picture editing, etc.!  So be looking for an overload of posts in the next week or two! 😄

These pictures are from the Rodriguez Family's photo session at Montgomery Bell State Park. Aren't they just adorable?! 😀 Not sure how, but I end up with the cutest kids at my photo sessions!

Booking Photo Sessions for June!

I'm currently booking photo sessions for the month of June!  Please feel free to share this post with family and friends!

Monday, May 21, 2018

The Beard is Gone!!

My dear husband has been growing a beard since July of last year.  I liked it pretty well once it was grown out a little, but lately it had been looking a little wild! 😄😄  So while I was gone one night last week (meeting a new photographer friend in the area...sadly, I didn't even think to get a picture together), Nick decided to cut off the beard!  He also CUT HIS OWN HAIR, but couldn't reach the back, resulting in a VERY hilarious/awful looking style!! I laughed and laughed and didn't finish cutting it because it was late and he had already taken a shower!  (I did cut it the next night, but he had to wear it to work! 😂 Yes, I know I am terrible!!)

So this is Nick with his beard the day before he cut it.  Isn't our nephew just the cutest?! 😍 (This is our youngest nephew, his sister's baby.)

And this is Nick the day after he cut his beard off!  I had almost forgotten what he looked like! Haha!

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Sarah's Photo Shoot

Here are some pictures I took of my sister, Sarah, her banjo, and her best and oldest dog pal, Charlie.  Sarah plays a LouZee banjo, and this is actually the 2nd one ever made.  Mr. Paul Hopkins was wanting some updated pictures of her for his website, and we were finally able to work out a time between busy schedules and weather for a photo shoot! 😄

I remember the day when I drove Sarah to the animal shelter nine years ago to pick out her very first pet!  Charlie was a few weeks old, and she has had him ever since.  Well, except the times he has run away.  And not come back! Haha!  Many, many hours have been spent searching for this dog!  She always finds him (the collar with her phone number helps!)

Just this past winter, it had been snowing, and Sarah was coming over to our house to spend the day/night.  We went over to pick her up, and while Nick and Sarah were gathering up the dogs and other things, Charlie decided to go on an adventure! 😁  They spent over an hour trekking around in the snow looking for him, while I sat in the car trying (unsuccessfully) to warm up a shivering, howling beagle! (Have I ever mentioned that I'm not really an "animal person?" Haha!)  Meanwhile, Sarah's phone was in my back seat ringing and ringing, but I didn't even look at it or try to answer it.  Come to find out, it was someone calling to say that Charlie had shown up at their house! Aghh!!! So we drove over to pick him up, and when Sarah came in, he turned his back and wouldn't even look at her! What a rascal!! Of course he had located a house with children to love on him and had been fed, and apparently wasn't ready to go home! Oh, and this isn't the first time this has happened! Not sure why he's like that, because Sarah spoils him!  And if she is ever out of town, he gets all mopey and depressed and won't eat. 😄

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Beautiful Baby Niece

Just wanted to share a couple snapshots we got last week! She has so many different expressions and she will just "talk" to you as long as you'll talk to her! Sweet baby! 


Friday, May 4, 2018

Ogg Photo Shoot

Just finished editing this photo shoot!  I really enjoyed taking these pictures, and I don't think this guy stopped smiling the entire time! 😀  These were taken at the beautiful Montgomery Bell State Park.

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Sweet Baby Snuggles

In the all years that I've known him, Nick has always had a special connection with babies and children.  Just wanted to share this sweet picture I snapped with my phone of him with our newest niece. ❤️

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Davidson Photo Shoot

Just finished editing a recent photo shoot, and I am excited to share these pictures! 😃  I enjoyed meeting this sweet family!  One of the best things about being a photographer is the opportunity I get to meet new people and get to know a little bit about them during our time together!  One of the very first things I learned about this family (almost before I even got out of my car!) was how to spell the names of everyone in the family! Haha!  I just love kids and their eagerness to share their knowledge with others! 😁

So here are a few of the pictures we were able to capture of these girls.  Have you ever seen more beautiful eyes?! ❤️

New Blog on Website

I am SO excited to announce that my very first photography website is up and running!  From now on, I will be posting on the blog on the web...