Thursday, June 7, 2018

New Blog on Website

I am SO excited to announce that my very first photography website is up and running!  From now on, I will be posting on the blog on the website instead of here.  Please check it out and follow along there!

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Baseball Game With Friends

This weekend, I attended my first ever baseball game!!  I really had no idea what was going on (Haha!), but Nick and I both enjoyed getting to spend time with friends of ours!  And to make things more confusing, both teams were wearing the same color of shirts! Thankfully, our team was wearing pants that were a darker shade of gray than the other team.  I just watched our friends and Nick, and yelled when they did, so it all turned out good! 😉  I snapped a quick picture with my phone right after the game.

Saturday, June 2, 2018

Claridge Photo Shoot

Here's a recent photo shoot taken in downtown Dickson, TN.  I enjoyed getting to meet this sweet baby boy and his mama, and get some adorable pictures!

Friday, June 1, 2018

Kimbro Photo Shoot

I had the privilege of taking pictures for a family I know!  I see these older boys nearly every week at piano lessons! 😃  This sweet lady is a photographer herself, and I was honored to get to take their family pictures!

Such cuteness!! 😄

New Blog on Website

I am SO excited to announce that my very first photography website is up and running!  From now on, I will be posting on the blog on the web...