Friday, March 30, 2018

A New Friend

I met a new friend today! This sweet girl, who also happens to be an awesome photographer, was kind enough to meet up with me this evening and we took some photos of each other.  It was a lot of fun, and she spent a lot of time answering my questions, and giving me photography advice.  If you know of anyone in the Ohio area that needs a photographer, pass along this lady's contact info!

Sweet William's Photography

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Beautiful Cherry Blossoms After a Spring Shower

These are cherry blossoms, right?  I just know they are beautiful!  These delicate things have somehow survived many Spring showers lately and many cold nights.  I'm thankful that God created beautiful things for us to enjoy!

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

The Crazies That Live at My House

This guy right here is my husband, Nick.  He is holding his beloved cat, Johnny Cash (named because he's the cat in black!)

Somehow, my dear friend conned me into getting this cat!  She sent cute pictures of a kitten, and in a moment of weakness, I decided to take him for Nick, who loves cats.  Not sure what I was thinking during that major lapse of judgment! Haha!  I mean, I don't necessarily hate cats, I just hate cat hair, I hate for my couch to be clawed multiple times each day, I hate having to keep my bedroom door shut, because...did I mention, I HATE cat hair!! 😆

Most evenings end with these two hanging out on the couch until bedtime.  So they end up being my (unwilling) models when I can't find anyone else to take pictures of!  Not sure why they don't appreciate my camera flash, and I've yet to take a normal picture of them together! 😄

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Group Texts...Love Them or Hate Them?

Group you like them or not?  They can be very annoying, especially when people start answering back and then yet other people text saying, "Whose number is this??" 😀😀

And then somebody sends an angry text demanding to be removed from the group text, which solicits responses from other people who are not happy and want to be removed as well!  😄

Believe me, I don't like receiving all those texts, either, but I'm sure not going to add to the problem by sending yet another text to express my aggravation! Haha!

Oh, and I've even received a group text from someone I know, only to have my number collected by one of their other contacts, who proceeds to send out their own group texts and memes!! (Finally took care of that and blocked the person...thank goodness we can do that on our phones now!) 😅

But I am thankful for technology, and even for the capability of group texts, because when you have six sisters, it is sometimes hard to remember who you told what!  We have a running thread of a group text, and I believe we all enjoy keeping in contact this way!  It can sometimes get pretty comical (some of which I better not share on here! 😜)

It's a great way to share funny stories, send a request for prayer when one of the babies are sick, and make sure everyone knows what is going on!

This is especially funny because sometimes it does not seem real that we are all grown up (almost!)  We used to hope (and maybe even pray) that the power would go out long enough so that we'd have to eat the ice cream! 😆

Monday, March 26, 2018

Sweet Dreams

Not a long post this evening...just wanted to share a picture of my newest niece!  It's just a picture from my cell phone, but isn't she precious??  I can't wait to take some better pictures of her soon!

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Gray Family Photo Shoot

Here's my first Spring photo shoot from my photography promotion!  Enjoyed meeting this family and taking pictures of them at their lovely place outside of Dickson!  Spring is taking a little while to bloom, but we were still able to find some pretty backgrounds for the pictures.  And what about their little ones...aren't they just the cutest?? 😀

Isn't she just precious?!

Monday, March 5, 2018

Photography Promotion for March and April

I'm looking for some more people to take pictures of!  Please contact me if you are interested, and feel free to share this!

Friday, March 2, 2018

Thankful For My Sisters!

I was looking back through older pictures on my phone last night, and I just had to share this one!  It was taken almost three years ago, at my bridal shower (we need to get an updated one!)  Growing up with six younger sisters and a brother, I didn't appreciate them very much! Haha!  I'm so thankful that now that we're older, they have become my best and closest friends!  It's funny how a few years age difference seems SO big when you're younger, but somehow we've all grown up, and don't notice the age difference near as much now! I sure am thankful for them!

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Vick Family Photo Shoot

Here's some more pictures that I took before Christmas of my sister and her family, which she used for their family Christmas card!  My brother-in-law was a good sport about the pictures, but the kids....well, it's always interesting with these three!  I honestly don't think I got one single picture with them all smiling and/or not being silly! 😁  And then there were the animals that were curious as to what on earth we were doing out in the field!! Haha!!  These first two pictures make me laugh!  But it was a fun photo shoot!

 A curious mule photo bombs the picture! 😆

 The entire family turns to watch as Uncle Nick chases the mule away!

Apparently taking pictures is hilarious! 😄

New Blog on Website

I am SO excited to announce that my very first photography website is up and running!  From now on, I will be posting on the blog on the web...