Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Group Texts...Love Them or Hate Them?

Group texts...do you like them or not?  They can be very annoying, especially when people start answering back and then yet other people text saying, "Whose number is this??" 😀😀

And then somebody sends an angry text demanding to be removed from the group text, which solicits responses from other people who are not happy and want to be removed as well!  😄

Believe me, I don't like receiving all those texts, either, but I'm sure not going to add to the problem by sending yet another text to express my aggravation! Haha!

Oh, and I've even received a group text from someone I know, only to have my number collected by one of their other contacts, who proceeds to send out their own group texts and memes!! (Finally took care of that and blocked the person...thank goodness we can do that on our phones now!) 😅

But I am thankful for technology, and even for the capability of group texts, because when you have six sisters, it is sometimes hard to remember who you told what!  We have a running thread of a group text, and I believe we all enjoy keeping in contact this way!  It can sometimes get pretty comical (some of which I better not share on here! 😜)

It's a great way to share funny stories, send a request for prayer when one of the babies are sick, and make sure everyone knows what is going on!

This is especially funny because sometimes it does not seem real that we are all grown up (almost!)  We used to hope (and maybe even pray) that the power would go out long enough so that we'd have to eat the ice cream! 😆

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