Sunday, October 22, 2017

First Attempt at Live Instagram Video

We took advantage of a beautiful fall day here in Tennessee and headed out for a photo shoot.  I guess I'm not as young as I used to be, because it took me a little while to figure out how to take a live video on Instagram! 😜 But here is our first attempt!

I am still struggling to see a good reason to use hashtags, though! 😝

We shot at a lovely location outside of Centerville, TN.  By the time we remembered to get a picture together, the light was fading quickly, so we ended up with pretty grainy pictures...but you get the idea!
We had fun and got some great pictures of Sarah, which I'll have up very soon!

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New Blog on Website

I am SO excited to announce that my very first photography website is up and running!  From now on, I will be posting on the blog on the web...